Vatican Not Keen on what we did – More news from Spain

A baby who was grown in order to donate umbilical cord blood to his brother was born last week in Spain, and it was widely reported in Spanish media. They are calling him “baby medicine”.
I’ve seen 400+ media coverage articles about the story.
I also received this report regarding Bishops from Spain from hat seems to be a catholic news site.
One of the news articles says (Spanish – sorry – lazy to translate – it’s Friday):

El Vaticano ya ha lanzado una voz de alarma sobre el avance científico advirtiendo de que -los beneficios fáciles y la arrogancia de sustituir al Creador pueden poner en peligro a la humanidad.”
Rapid translation : I’m a danger to humanity.
“cuando tiene como fin el hombre y su bienestar y el progreso de la humanidad – y precisó que – no es el árbol de la ciencia el que mata, sino la desobediencia”
Rapid translation: I’m disobedient.
“la ciencia – no está capacitada- para establecer principios éticos. -Ella sólo puede aceptarlos en sí y reconocerlos como necesarios para erradicar sus eventuales patologías. La filosofía y la teología sirven en ese momento como ayuda indispensable para evitar que la ciencia proceda en solitario por un camino tortuoso, lleno de imprevistos y de riesgos-
Rapid translation: none
“El nacimiento de una persona humana ha venido acompañada de la destrucción de otras, sus propios hermanos, a los que se les ha privado del derecho fundamental a la vida”
Rapid translation: Too strong. Makes me mad.
“Un acto egoísta”
Rapid translation: I’m selfish?

Specially disturbing, they said, is parents choosing a specific embryo because the child’s tissues or organs might save the life of a sick sibling.


The Vatican isn’t much for trying to save sick children’s lives with embryonic stem cell research or PGD because they both mess with embryos and an embryo deserves the same respect as any adult. This is an old argument.

The best response is a perhaps over-used hypothetical scenario:

A building is burning down. Twelve small children are inside screaming for help. The building also contains a freezer storing a dozen or so frozen embryos. Which do you save first?

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